Saturday, January 29, 2011

Whatever You Think Think The Opposite

Baru selesai baca buku si Paul Arden yang judulnya
Whatever You Think Think The Opposite
semacam buku motivasi gitu,,,meurut aku buku ini sama sekali gak terkesan seperti menggurui kayak buku motivasi lain yang pernah aku baca,,,kita dibuat atau aku lebih tepatnya,,tiap habis baca 1 halaman langsung "fiuuuuuhhh" trus senyum2 sendirii,,,bagus banget bukunya,,,,
pengen punyaaaaa....harus punya,,,,
highly recomended book...
Someone said to me,,too much coffee will kill you,,,i'm totally agree with that statement,,,but that if "too much" ....i think 2 0r 3 cup coffee a day isn't too much i think...i need it for my mood booster.


  1. wow.. a caffeine addict, huh? agreed. coffee could easily change our mood, in a mysterious way.

  2. yess!!!!
    akhirnya ada yang setujuuu,,,*senangggg
    belum addict siih,,,,cuman penikmat ajaa,,,
