My darling is..
A man who set his working time precisely and flight accross the sea to say.. Happy bday..
A man who bring a lady bag when walkin climb the mountain..
Love you..
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Monday Story
Senin 7 Februari 2011
Spend all day with my friends,,,Iqha..Auliya...Tirta...
Sama Auliya n Tirtanya gak seharian sih....setengah malaman aja...
1st destination adalah kampus,,,awalnya,,rencanya aku n iqha mau kkampus jam 1an...
tapi karna dosen pembimbingnya ada dikampus jam 3 sore,,jadi lah kami makan dulu baru kkampus...and then and then and then...story by the picture................

Monday, February 07, 2011
Klompen = Clog = Dutch Wooden Shoes
Accidentaly found this shoes...awalnya gak ada niat buat nyari sepatu,,,taunya dapet....suka pulak,,hadehh,,,nasibku,,,,sepatu semacam klompen,,,tapi bukan dari kayu,,,,
eh tapi aku tiba2 pengen punya klompen....

klompen asal Belanda, semoga ada yang mau beliin aku ini...hope..
Dengan niat buat ngumpulin semua buku yang pernah aku baca,,,akhirnya aku beli buku Negeri Van Oranje ini,,,padahal dah baca buku ini lamaaa banget,,,pinjem punya temen,,,bagus sih bukunya...bikin semangat gitu....

Sunday, February 06, 2011
Nulis Aja
Kadang - kadang kalo orang gak tanya "kamu kenapa?" atau "kamu kok akhir - akhir ini beda sih?"
bukan berarti orang tersebut tidak perduli atau cuek,,,orang itu mungkin nunggu kamu cerita dulu baru tanya2,,,orang itu gak pengen ikut campur sebelum kamu cerita sendiri,,,
jadi bukan berarti mereka gak peduli,,,
i know,,sometimes there's something that we can't tell anybody,,,i did it..and that so hard to don't talk to anybody...
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Dear LOVE month...
hope this month i'll get a lot of love...
What i've read this morning :
- They are all the wrong way to answer the brief, and they are all a beautiful solution to the problem -Paul Arden's Book-
- Jika kamu tak berusaha mewujudkan mimpimu sendiri, maka kamu akan menghabiskan hidupmu hanya mewujudkan mimpi orang lain. -pepatah -
- I ADORE you, you crazy, gorgeous, WONDERFULL (but also sometimes quite WEIRD - but still very LOVELY) person. -secretlyloved-
- Morning Ritual. Dream of an ideal life whilst sipping coffee -Here-
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